Successful First Phase of Tagless BPRS Wraps Up

Successful First Phase of Tagless BPRS Wraps Up

Our research team collaborating on a Behavioral and Physiological Response Study (BPRS) using integrated methods of monitoring the behavior and potential responses of groups of different dolphin species wrapped up yesterday with several final successes. We...

New Publication on Behavioral Responses of Blue Whales

New Publication on Behavioral Responses of Blue Whales

SEA is proud to announce the publication of our most recent paper documenting fine-scale aspects of the responses of endangered blue whales to military sonar. This study includes one of the largest sample sizes ever accomplished in a controlled experimental field...

SEA Accomplishments – The First Decade

SEA Accomplishments – The First Decade

At Southall Environmental Associates, it’s been an amazing ride these first 10 years. We’ve been so fortunate to work with so many great people all over the world! Much of our work in the field has been in behavioral response studies in three different oceans working...
