Dr. Rob Schick Publishes New Paper on Assessing Marine Mammal Abundance and Distribution
SEA's very own Rob Schick publishes new paper on assessing marine mammal abundance and distribution using a combination of two data sources. For more information on this data fusion, please click HERE to access the publication in The Annals of Applied Statistics.
SEA Leads New Paper on Behavioral Responses of Common Dolphins to Naval Sonar
For the first time ever, scientists have directly measured the behavioral responses of some of the most common marine mammals to military sonar. Social dolphins, which can occur in groups of hundreds or even thousands, are very common off California and many other...
A New DFO Publication Available Now… Co-Authored by SEA Senior Scientist, Dr. Rob Schick
SEA senior scientist, Dr. Rob Schick, publishes a tech memo with DFO. Click HERE to learn more about this exciting new modeling technology, describing the seasonal and spatial distribution of North Atlantic Right Whale potential foraging habitats in Canadian waters!
Novel Marine Vibroseis Efforts One and Two: A Huge Success
Two successful weeks in southern California studying the effects that underwater sound vibration may have on cetaceans! Thanks to numerous team members for their expertise and patience putting this multiple-scale effort together with tremendous execution. A TON of...
Marine Vibroseis BRS Field Effort: 11 Tagged Blue Whales in One Day
The first Marine Vibroseis BRS field effort is underway this week, off the coast of southern California, in Catalina. A tremendous start... with eleven tagged blue whales in one day! All the careful preparations and detailed planning have paid off. Currently SEA is...