On behalf of all the collaborators and partnering organizations that are a part of the amazing field research effort known as the Southern California Behavioral Response Study (SOCAL-BRS), I would like to make folks who follow our blog aware that we have just started another phase of field work in this continuing project.

You can find more information specifically on this year’s plans and objectives at <www.socal-brs.org> and specifically <https://sea-inc.net/socal-brs/socal-15/>. There is a .pdf public summary describing the work there and many of the dozen peer-reviewed scientific publications from this prolific project are available there. I serve as the Chief Scientist of this project and am willing and completely available to address any questions or comments or requests for reprints or informations <Brandon.Southall@sea-inc.net>

We have made an very specific point to be very transparent and open in our interactions and information about this project. The above referenced summary is an example, as is our from-the-field blog which will appear here and will give semi-regular updates on our progress. There will be postings every several days at this site to provide that information, including photos to show focal species and tagged animals. Today was our first day on the water and while the distribution of baleen whales looks to be quite thin right now – owing almost certainly to the quite warm water – we did have visual detections and tag attempts on blue and fin whales and Risso’s dolphins today (but had just one very short attachment).
Thanks for your interest in our work and for following the from the field blog. Please do provide appropriate feedback and comments here or by email.