Just before SOCAL-12 phase I started last month, I had the privilege of participating with several colleagues from academia, industry, and an environmental group in a Congressional briefing on the subject of ocean noise. The below is a letter I recently received that describes the nature of the briefing.

This briefing was hosted by US Representatives Sam Farr and Mike Thompson and held in the offices of Rep Nancy Pelosi. Staffers from numerous Congressional offices of members of both parties were there as well as staff members from various congressional committees and representatives of federal agencies.

Rep. Farr is my Congressman (CA-17) and has long been a champion of oceans issues and is the co-chair of the House Oceans Caucus. I had the privilege of first meeting Sam several years ago when he graciously spoke at a public lecture at Monterey Bay Aquarium I hosted on ocean noise issues when I was running the NOAA Ocean Acoustics Program. I have been fortunate to interact with him and his staff since then on several issues. His continued interest and support for marine issues and the acoustic ecology of the oceans, as evidenced by supporting a proactive forum on this issue for decision-makers is greatly appreciated leadership in Washington. We all recognize these are complex issues that will not be solved easily nor immediately, but having leaders in our capital working to bring attention and support to the ongoing progress in many areas is good news. I feel very grateful to have had this chance to speak directly to these leaders in Washington. I urge everyone to realize that their ability to interact with elected officials is simply an email or a call away – be a part of government no matter what issues you care about or what you believe.