Blue Whales and Sonar: A New Paper Publication in Animal Conservation
Please click here to learn more about a new publication in Animal Conservation on the effects of sonar on blue whales. Lead author Enrico Pirotta teams up with Brandon Southall, Ari Friedlaender, and many other friends and colleagues.
Gearing up for ESOMM-2022: The Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals
All of us here at Southall Environmental Associates are gearing up for next week's big meeting for The Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals (ESOMM) - 2022. This is the first year ESOMM will be held in the United States. SEA has teamed up with Duke...
It’s GAMeON time!
That's right. It's GAMEON time! SEA is excited to be involved in this thoughtful and innovative group of professionals. Global Alliance for Managing Ocean Noise just had our first workshop. What was the topic of discussion? Reducing noise associated with offshore...
“It doesn’t have to be lethal to be problematic.” …Brandon Southall, Ph.D.
Underwater noise from shipping is a real problem globally. A new paper on researchers tackling this issue and looking for solutions can be found here!
SEA’s senior scientist John Durban publishes paper on behavior and group responses to noise in social delphinids
Congratulations to one of SEA's leading research scientists, Dr. John Durban! His publication on quantifying group responses of dolphins to navy sonar uses exciting new technologies. Please check his paper out by clicking this link! Dolphins photographed...