Researchers from Southall Environmental Associates were involved in many presentations of cutting-edge marine mammal science at the recent 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in San Francisco. It was an outstanding meeting, culminating with a reception at City Hall (see below) to commemorate the return of the biennial meetings to the city in which the first meeting was held 42 years ago.

Here are some of the abstracts involving SEA Senior Scientist Dr. Brandon Southall:

Southall, B., DeRuiter, S., Friedlaender, A., Hazen, E.L., Goldbogen, J.A., Stimpert, A.K., Langrock, R., Harris, C.M., Thomas, L., Schorr, G., Allen, A., Gailey, G., Falcone, E., Moretti, D., and Calambokidis, J. (2015). Complementary analyses of behavioral responses to sonar in blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus).

Benoit-Bird, K., Arranz, P, Tyack, P.L. Moline, M, and Southall, B. (2015). Predator-prey dynamics in the mesopelagic: Odontocete foraging ecology and antipredatory behavior of prey.

Nowacek, D.P., Clark, C.W., Donovan, G., Gailey, G., Golden, J., Jasny, M., Mann, D.A., Miller, P.J., Racca, R., Reeves, R.R., Rosenbaum, H., Southall, B., Vedenev, A., and Weller, D.W. (2015). Marine seismic surveys and ocean noise: mitigation, monitoring and a plan for international management.

Stimpert, A.K., DeRuiter, S., Falcone, E., Joseph, J., Douglas, A.B., Moretti, D., Friedlaender, A., Calambokidis, J., Gailey, G., Tyack, P.L., Southall, B., and Goldbogen, J.A. (2015). Tagged fin whale call production, associated behavior, and response to anthropogenic sound in the Southern California Bight.

DeRuiter, S., Isojunno, S., Noirot, Stimpert, A.K., Zimmer, W., Leung, M.R., Harris, C.M., Thomas, L., Southall, B., Tyack, P.L., and Miller, P.J. (2015). Sperm whale foraging behavior in response to anthropogenic sound.

Ellison, W.T., Clark, C.W., Mann, D.A., Southall, B., and Tollit, D.J. (2015). A risk assessment framework to assess the biological significance of noise exposure on marine mammals.

Fregosi, S., Klinck, H., Horning, Markus, Mellinger, D.K., Costa, D.P., Mann, D.A., Sexton, K., Huckstadt, L.A., and Southall, B. (2015). Turn down for what: Animal-borne controlled exposures as an innovative tool for dive manipulation in free-ranging marine mammals.

Heenehan, H.L., Bejder, L, Tyne, J.A., Southall, B., Southall, H., and Johnston, D.J. (2015). Using soundscape metrics to describe changes to ambient noise levels in the resting bays of Hawaiian spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris).

Allen, A., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A., Calambokidis, and Southall, B. (2015). An automated lunge detector for baleen whale tag data: application and results for fin whales off Southern California.

Bowers, M., DeRuiter, S.L., Friedlaender, A.S., Nowacek, D.P., Quick, N.J., Southall, B., Read, A.J. (2015). Short-finned pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins respond strongly and divergently to biphonic calls of mammal-eating killer whales.

Harris, C.M., Isojunno, S., Thomas, L., A.S., Southall, B., Miller, P.J., Read, A.J., and Tyack, P.L. (2015). Behavioral responses of cetaceans to anthropogenic sound: A community persective on research priorities and future steps.

Jason, J., Blackwell, S.B., Heide-Jorgense, M.P., Southall, B., Friedlaender, A., Thometz, N.M., and Williams, T.M. (2015). Measuring instantaneous energetic costs in highly maneuverable marine mammals.